Friday, May 29, 2009

Thirty-Four Years of Blessing!

Last year my cousin Amanda wrote a blog that listed a blessing for each year of her life (This is also my first attempt to embed a link - we'll see if it works!)
Anyway, I loved the idea last year - and thought it was a great idea when she did it again this year...
So, since I celebrated my 34th Birthday last month, and am just now getting around to completing this, here it goes -- in NO particular order -- def stream of consciencesness...So, here's to starting a new tradition of counting blessings!

1. Family heritage - I love the legacy/heritage that my grandparents on both sides left behind -- what amazing role models!
2. Ministry - I love that I get to work with at-risk kids. I love that I get to see the power of the gospel in their lives. Daily I get to help them see their God-given potential.
3. Eagle Ranch - I love that there is a place for kids to come for hope, healing, and second chances...
4. My home - after all the angst I went through to get it, I am so grateful for the place that He has given me.
5. Friends - for comfort, fun, sharpening, encouraging
6. Sunshine/ being outdoors
7. beach/mountains - both in the last two weeks!
8. Perimeter Church - what a blessing to be in a church that teaches and lives the Word.
9. St. Theresa
10. Blair - a great place to grow up
11. Salem Church - and the people who attend who are like family
12. Cousins as friends
13. coffee
14. summer vacation
15. my salvation
16. a God who loves ME
17. My car/ reliable transportation - such a relief!
18. facebook - connection with old friends that I haven't talked to in years!
19. sunroof
20. good conversations
21. good books
22. good movies - that make you think
23. my students - I am especially proud of those who are graduating!
24. Charlie- awesome brother living/teaching in China - great husband - and soon to be great Daddy! - so blessed that he brought Julie to our family too!
25. JD - serving at the White House - been a part of history - amazing guy
26. Joe - serving in Iraq - called me today - when he only had 3 hours to shower (after 3 weeks!), do paperwork, and repack, he called and we talked for 30 minutes - he is doing well - contining to pray for his safety
27. parents - amazing blessings in my life -- caring, loving, giving, sharing, Jesus with skin on...
28. Times of rest/retreat
29. chocolate
30. New Message Bible - I love a translation in easy to understand language - brings such a fresh focus to the Word!
31. walking/exercise - Atlanta 3 Day - such an encouragement to me...
32. partner to do it with! - Yeah for Tori- the super walking partner!
33. Thursday dinners - Sawyer family - blessings untold...every one of them...
34. promises and hope for the future.