Monday, September 17, 2007

gathering montage

God does the impossible.
God uses improbable people.

God uses improbable people to do impossible things.

The Gathering started again last night and that was Matt Ballard's points. (You know you have probably been in a group too long when you are pretty sure you have already heard that message and its points before...nonetheless, it was excellent!)

It was such an encouraging message to me. I often feel very inadequate to fullfil God's plan. The heroes of the Bible are also actually a long list of losers and people who make huge mistakes. It gives me hope.

But, I guess that is also what makes a good book or movie. I have always been a sucker for the underdog movie (as well as the teacher movie where s/he is helping the underdog achieve their God-given potential/plan)

This video is a montage of movies with unlikely heros = excellent!

Video - by Scott and James - very inspiring...

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